Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 30-Final Day!!!!

I can't believe this month is over already.  What a journey of self discovery.  I can't thank everyone enough for the support and even the kind words.  Eric's cousin gave me the best comment stating that my journey inspired her to start a challenge in February. WOW!!! I really didn't expect anyone to read this, it was more an effort to keep myself accountable. Ok so first I will do the food, then I will post the final results.  I was actually amazed this morning.

left over turkey sausage

TBD, probably a mad greans cobb salad modified with no cheese and balsalmic vinagarette

Chicken meatballs, peas and greenbeans

OK now the stats!

Weight: 130.8
Waist: 28"
Hips: 36"
Chest: 33.5"
Thighs: 20.25"
Arms: 11"

Day 15:
Day 15 Stats:
Weight: 126.2
Waist: 26"
Hips: 35.5"
Chest: 33"
Thighs: 20"
Arms: 10.5"

Day 30!!
Day 15 Stats:
Weight: 123.8 (WOW!)
Waist: 26"
Hips: 33
Chest: 32
Thighs: 20"
Arms: 10

That is a 7 lb total weight loss and 7.75 inches lost.  Terrific! in 30 days!  that drops me comfortably into a size four.

As I stated before I am taking a month of tracking and I am going into maitenence mode.  I will be  eating mostly Paleo.  Paleo during the week, and mostly Paleo during the weekends.  I will continue to walk to work on the days where I don't need to go anywhere at lunch. 

March will start a fitness/WOD challenge.  I feel that I am most successful right now if I concentrate on one over the other.  My June Paleo challenge will hopefully incorporate both diet and WODS. 

Please feel free to email me any questions that you have.  I will periodically post helpful Paleo tips and recipe's.

Love to you all!

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