Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 10 a few hours late....oops

Friday's are not usually hectic for me, and yesterday was no exception, but for whatever reason I did not log on to blog.  I apologize for the delay, once I got home from work I was greeted by a cranky monster so I was down for the count.

Here was my day:


Leftover Bacon 2 slices
1/2 Banana
handful of grapes


See last nights dinner
Salad and Sweet potato

Baked Pork Tenderloin
mmm this was really yummy!

2 medium pork tenderloins
Marinate during the day in olive oil, red wine vinegar and a blend of seasonings
Pop in the over for 1 hour at 400 degrees

Couldn't be easier and it was so tender and juicy. I served mine with peas and served Au Gratin potatoes for the rest of the family.


I did a short kettle ball WOD tonight
15 Kettle ball swings
10 Kettle ball Thrusts
10 Kettle ball front squats

It felt great.  I am now in love with my kettle ball and I can use it as much as I want at home.

Have a great Weekend!

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