Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 30-Final Day!!!!

I can't believe this month is over already.  What a journey of self discovery.  I can't thank everyone enough for the support and even the kind words.  Eric's cousin gave me the best comment stating that my journey inspired her to start a challenge in February. WOW!!! I really didn't expect anyone to read this, it was more an effort to keep myself accountable. Ok so first I will do the food, then I will post the final results.  I was actually amazed this morning.

left over turkey sausage

TBD, probably a mad greans cobb salad modified with no cheese and balsalmic vinagarette

Chicken meatballs, peas and greenbeans

OK now the stats!

Weight: 130.8
Waist: 28"
Hips: 36"
Chest: 33.5"
Thighs: 20.25"
Arms: 11"

Day 15:
Day 15 Stats:
Weight: 126.2
Waist: 26"
Hips: 35.5"
Chest: 33"
Thighs: 20"
Arms: 10.5"

Day 30!!
Day 15 Stats:
Weight: 123.8 (WOW!)
Waist: 26"
Hips: 33
Chest: 32
Thighs: 20"
Arms: 10

That is a 7 lb total weight loss and 7.75 inches lost.  Terrific! in 30 days!  that drops me comfortably into a size four.

As I stated before I am taking a month of tracking and I am going into maitenence mode.  I will be  eating mostly Paleo.  Paleo during the week, and mostly Paleo during the weekends.  I will continue to walk to work on the days where I don't need to go anywhere at lunch. 

March will start a fitness/WOD challenge.  I feel that I am most successful right now if I concentrate on one over the other.  My June Paleo challenge will hopefully incorporate both diet and WODS. 

Please feel free to email me any questions that you have.  I will periodically post helpful Paleo tips and recipe's.

Love to you all!

Day 29

Writing this a day late on Day 30.  Things got a little hectic yesterday.
I did walk to work and back yesterday which was again awesome.  I am so happy to have that back in most of my daily routines.

bacon and eggs, I totally overcooked the bacon, but oh well it was still yummy

Lunch: Left over turkey patty and sweet potatoe fries

Turkey sausage green beans and peas

super easy day, I have been a little beat down at work the last couple of days.

stay tuned....I will post final results here in a couple minutes

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 28th

There is something so cleansing about walking in the brisk cold with snow on the ground.  I love walking to work, and I am so glad that the sun sets later so that I can do so.

4 links of turkey sausage
Trail mix: cashews and Raisins

Homemade Chicken soup

turkey burger
sweet potato fries.

For the sweet potato fries I use olive oil and an oven set to 375 for 30 mins and then 400 for 20 mins.  I did salt these.

In fact I think my salt intake has been a bit much lately and I feel as if I am retaining water.  Most of the time I do not add salt to my food, but I have eaten a lot of bacon and cooked with bacon grease.  You must be careful about salt intake, especially as a woman if you are looking for weight loss.  Women naturally retain a lot of water, and salt increase your water retention.

I have started walking to work and back each morning. Not necessarily a WOD, but it gets me moving and clears my head, which is much needed before arriving to work and going home.

Have a great day!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 27

So if you noticed I've been dissapearing over the weekends.  I have entered maintenence mode. I have officially decided not to eat Paleo on the weekends because I am losing rings and have nothing left to wear...not a bad problem, just an expensive one.

My next phase is to stay Paleo on the weekdays, but eat as I please on the weekends.  With that being said I made a chicken noodle soup from scratch yesterday that was delish...(the whole family is sick with a cold). I think that I will take February to mentally unwind from any health or fitness "goals". and will resume March 1st with a fitness challenge.  I want to pledge to workout everyday, even if it is just stretching or walking to work,  for a month.

With that here is today's Paleo lineup

Trail mix (cashews and raisins)

Chicken stir fry, from last weeks recipe

Almond snack pack

Pork Loin stuffed with sundried tomatoes
seasoned with garlic powder and basil
bake mins
served with steamed veggies

Some paleo recipes to note over the weekend.

On Friday morning I made a bacon and egg caserole and popped it in the oven for 20 minutes. These were cut into squares for a super portable breakfast:
8 eggs beaten
1/2 lb bacon baked and then crumbled.
bake at 350 for twenty minutes, cut and serve.

On Sunday I made eggs in a Turkey basket, agin super simple and portable:
9 eggs beaten
garlic powder to taste
line muffin tins with turkey meat
pour in the eggs
top with a pinch of cheese if you are feeling non paleo
bake at 350 for you guessed it, 20 mins.

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 23- 7 days to go!

This morning was hectic.  The lil one decided that he did not want me leaving. I was late to a morning meeting with my boss, and came in frantic.  I rushed out without breakfast, which always makes me feel yucky and I have been dragging for the rest of the day.  Moral of the story,  make sure to start your day with a giant glass of water and something, anything for breakfast.

already divulged that information

Left over Paleo Speghetti from Saturday night.

Tomato paste,
diced tomatoes,
1lb of browned turkey meat

served over roasted speghetti squash.


Chicken Stir Fry

1 Lb Chicken diced
2 cups broccoli
1 cup cauliflower
4 carrots diced
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp low sodium soy sauce (not 100% paleo, but use very very little).
1/3 cup water

Stir Fry in an electic wok

Day 21 and Day 22

so back on track with the eating, and the little one has made sure I stay active.  His new thing is to cry at night until I bounce him up and down the stairs to calm him down (I think it's gas issues).  Anyway I bounce up and down 2 flights of stairs at least 20 times a night now right before bedtime.

Day 21:

Banana (not enough, but all I had time for)

Chicken salad with spinach, raisins and roasted chicken....yum balsalmic dressing

ham and Mixed veggies.....I made a sweet potato as well, but didn't have a chance to eat it thanks to the teathing baby.

Day 22:

Green Smoothie- so good

I picked up a cobb salad from the grocery store
Iceberg lettuce, hard boiled egg, grilled chicken and bacon.  I subbed out the blue cheese dressing that came with it and had my balsalmic vinegarette instead.

Sloppy joes and mixed veggies.

I subbed out the bun for lettuce cups.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 20

I had pretty much given up.  I was tired of cooking and tired of beating myself up for not having the energy to do a WOD everyday.  But after a weekend of eating and drinking whatever I wanted, I woke up feeling sluggish and heavy (in reality I gained 2 lbs back and I am sure most of it is water from my salt intake).  I made myself a spinach smoothie, packed myself a salad with roasted chicken and defrosted the trimmed ham. 

I will not post the last two days food intake, or laziness.  I think it was necessary to put me back on track for the next 10 days.  I will continue to post for the these last 10 days and then it is my plan to do Paleo on the weekdays and give myself the weekends to indulge. 

Here's to lifes stumbling blocks for they remind us that we are merely humans!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 17

I have found the need to quiet my mind.  Work has been stressful and unrewarding, so I have found the need to focus my energy elsewhere if I want to find energy and happiness.  I finished off the snacks today so that is hopefully less of a distraction.  I found that I was eating all the way through the day which is not something that I have done in the past.  Even though the foods I am eating are better, they are still high in fat and natural sugars. No more of that.

4 links of turkey sausage
2 scrambled eggs

Leftover roasted turkey, although probably to large of a serving

Banana Chips
Cashews (again too much)


I really tried to make a Paleo chili, but I put in far too much Cumin and Chili powder and had to balance with some brown sugar and kidney

2 lbs ground turkey
1 package turkey hot dogs
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce
cumin and chili powder to taste (do not over do)

This would have made it Paleo.

Oh well tomorrow is a new day.

Day 16

It's a couple days late, I am losing momentum, but I need to regain focus.  This has been a long week and so I have not been as dilligent paying attention to my foods.  I haven't been "bad" but I have been snacking way too much on the borderline foods.  As a result I am feeling a little sluggish.

skipped (bad)

cashews and Banana Chips way more than I should have eaten

went out to lunch with a vendor.  I had a cobb salad without blue cheese and with grilled chicken and balsamic vinnegar

Paleo Speghetti

2 small speghetti squashes roasted in the oven for 1 hour at 350

1 can diced tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce (check label)
1 lb turkey meat crumbled and cooked in a skillet
Mix in tomatoes and tomato sauce

once speghetti squash is done use a fork to first remove the seeds and the gooey pulp and then scrape the noodle like meat into a seperate bowl

serve sauce over your speghetti squash noodles and enjoy

I have had zero energy to do WOD' child has not been sleeping well.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 15-Half way there!

I resisted the temptation to abandon the whole challenge last night when out to dinner for a work function.  While I would have loved mac and cheese and a couple glasses of wine, I refrained....what's 15 more days.  Especially with results like this:

Day one stats:
Weight: 130.8
Waist: 28"
Hips: 36"
Chest: 33.5"
Thighs: 20.25"
Arms: 11"

Day 15 Stats:
Weight: 126.2
Waist: 26"
Hips: 35.5"
Chest: 33"
Thighs: 20"
Arms: 10.5"

For 15 days I would say that is pretty darn good!  Let's see what the next 15 days hold.

Grapes, 1 piece of pork loin

finished off the Paleo Sheppards pie, and had some peas

cashews 2 handfuls

Chicken Cobb Salad from Yardhouse,
86 Tomato, blu cheese crumbles, and ranch dressing. 
Add balsalmic vinegarette

Imagine what will happen if I can get my WOD in gear!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 13

Oops slip up day.  After a challenging weekend, I needed a mommy day and treated myself to a couple cocktails (very much not paleo).  I did have vodka and soda, but still not good fort the challenge.  I guess we are all entitled to loose our focus once in awhile.

2 handfuls of Banana Chips
2 handfuls of grapes

Paleo Sheppards pie (I'm addicted)

2 handfuls of Cashews


Apple balsalmic Crock Pot Chicken
Just as a sounds:
1 whole chicken,
1 cup sodium free chicken broth
2 cups water
1/2 cup oil and balsamic vinegar
3 cut up apples

Slow cook 8 hours

Monday, January 14, 2013

Days 11-12 darn weekends

Weekends are always rough for me, they are not something I look forward to at all.  I look forward to Monday's when I can finally claim a little time for myself, even if I am working.  Most of my weekends are spent with my toddler alone. While I love spending time with my little man, lately he has been quite the challenge and I cannot seem to get much done.

Here is the skinny on the food for the weekend:

Day 11:
Grapes and 2 eggs

Pork tenderloin medallions and peas


This was the motherload of Paleo recipes.  It was a little time consuming, but soooooo good.

Paleo Sheppards Pie:
Take 1 whole onion, dice and fry in a skillet with a little olive oil (about 15 mins)
Add in 1 lb of bacon and fry till cooked
Add 4 large chopped carrots and 4 large stalks of celery (about two cups of each) Fry until cooked fully
Add in 1 lb of ground turkey and brown
Add in 1 cup peas and fry till cooked

Steam one head of cauliflower till soft
drain and put into your food processor or heavy duty blender
add in a little olive oil, some garlic powder 1/2 stick of butter and a dash of coconut milk
blend until the consistency of mashed potatoes

Put the meat and veggie mixture into a cassorole dish and back at 350 for 30 minutes.


Day 12:
I made the huge mistake of buying banana chips.....soooo yummy but now that is all I want.
I also had some dried fruit

Paleo Sheppards pie...did I mention....YUM!

Turkey Breast and grean beans

One full turkey breast rubbed with a compound butter and baked at 400 for 2 hours.

I don't need WODS on the weekend....I have a toddler.  LOL.  Plus my legs were so sore from the kettle ball squats that I needed the recovery time.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 10 a few hours late....oops

Friday's are not usually hectic for me, and yesterday was no exception, but for whatever reason I did not log on to blog.  I apologize for the delay, once I got home from work I was greeted by a cranky monster so I was down for the count.

Here was my day:


Leftover Bacon 2 slices
1/2 Banana
handful of grapes


See last nights dinner
Salad and Sweet potato

Baked Pork Tenderloin
mmm this was really yummy!

2 medium pork tenderloins
Marinate during the day in olive oil, red wine vinegar and a blend of seasonings
Pop in the over for 1 hour at 400 degrees

Couldn't be easier and it was so tender and juicy. I served mine with peas and served Au Gratin potatoes for the rest of the family.


I did a short kettle ball WOD tonight
15 Kettle ball swings
10 Kettle ball Thrusts
10 Kettle ball front squats

It felt great.  I am now in love with my kettle ball and I can use it as much as I want at home.

Have a great Weekend!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 9

My good friend Katie Steitz was awesome enough to put together some at home/gym WODS for me that I couldn't wait to start on.  So I got my kettle ball and got home to do my WOD and was derailed by family obligations and..gggrrrr. I am home now, dinner eaten, baby in bed, laundry whirling away...and as soon as I log off I will be doing this WOD...not one of Katies, but an easy back into it WOD

10 kettleball swings
15 squats
20 situps

I know it's a lame one, but it will hopefully get me pumped to hit the gym with one of Katies awesome WOD's tomorrow at lunch.

Ok so here's the meal situation:


3 strips bacon
1 banana

Cashews of course


Leftover pork roast and veggies...mmmm

Super lazy tonight and didn't want to cook 2 meals
so Hamburger Helper.....for everyone else, don't panic

Salad with dried cranberries, blueberries and Cherries, hard boiled egg. Oil and balsalmic
Baked sweet potato with unsalted clarified butter and a dash of cinnamon.

Off to WOD.  Have a great one. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 8

Ok I admit it, I may have a slight cashew addiction.  While these are considered to be ok on most paleo diets, be careful, they have a very high fat content and should be consumed (like any nuts) in moderation.

I did get an unexpected WOD in last night.  My son was screaming from gas pain and the only thing I could find to calm him down was running up and down our 2 flights of stairs. we did this about 25 times.  So I consider that a WOD as I did sweat.  According to my son it was AMRAP for time because if I slowed down he would scream again.

Dinner last night was pretty yummy and took about 10mins to prep and another 20 to cook so that was also a win.

Here is today's plan:
1 banana
2 handfuls of cashews

1 package of almonds

Leftover turkey sausage and salad, just lettuce today with oil and balsamic
(I try to portion my lunch before I plate the rest of the food for dinner.  This way I know that I have lunch covered and I am not skipping meals.  Skipping meals is the enemy!)

Slowcooker pot roast.

1 can diced tomatos (always read labels many contain salt and acidic preservatives)
3 stalks Celery coarsely chopped
3 medium carrots coarsely chopped
2 cloves of garlic
season to taste
1 bone in picnic roast

Cost of this meal for 4 people was around 12 dollars for those of you who can't do Paleo because it is too expensive

Put all ingrediants in the crock pot and cook on low 6-8 hours


WOD:  I'll let you know tomorrow.  I am hoping to go to the gym after the bug goes sleep.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ok I am going to admit that I am really struggling with the working out part of this challenge.  The food portion is going great but by the time I get home after working, cook dinner, get the baby to bed I am not only tired, but I don't want to make noise that will wake the baby up.  I am thinking of working out in the garage, but it is winter in CO.  My schedule is already super full and tight and I am definitely open to some creative ideas.

On the food front, today has been a snacking kind of day:

Bananas and grapes with coconut milk

Handful of Cashews


Salad with hard boiled REAL eggs, raisins, and oil and balsalmic vinegar

Nitrate free turkey sausage with mixed vegetables, peas and carrots

Last nights dinner was super yummy, the meatballs were hardy but you could taste the veggies.  I decided to add peas to the tomato paste and it was delicious.   I am not naturally a cook, but I am really enjoying cooking now.

Again any ideas on QUICK workouts would be super appreciated.  I am also thinking of maybe doing something here in my office for a few 10 minute sessions a day.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 6 23 more to go

The chicken last night turned out great and I made sure to cook an extra breast without the stuffing for lunch today.


I hear a lot of excuses on why people cannot eat breakfast, main one being that there is enough time.  I cooked my breakfast this morning in the the microwave in 5 minutes. Breakfast is very important to starting your metabolism.

Equivalent of 2 eggs (egg beaters) with sundried tomatoes, scrambled in the microwave
3 slices of turkey bacon.  This is the last of the turkey bacon I promise.

Breast of chicken left over from last nights dinner
1 Grapple
1 small bag of unsalted almonds

Handful of Cashews

Turkey meatballs
carrots and peas

Instead of breadcrumbs use finely chopped celery and carrots to hold the meat together and to add substance.  I cook mine in tomato paste and add the carrots and peas to the mixture. Kinda like speghetti and meatballs without the speghetti.  You can add this over finely cut zuchini and squash, or even better roasted speghetti squash, but for tonight just the meatballs and veggies for me.

Watch your water intake. I am attempting to drink at least 4 750ml bottles of water per day.

Haven't determined my WOD yet, I am still a little sick, so I will have to do a short one.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 5

Sorry I know I am posting  a little late today.  Took the little bug to church, and had lunch with the pastor.  Always harder to stick to your meal plan when someone else is cooking, but here is how I did

Egg whites equivilant of 3
Turkey bacon 4 slices
I promise I will mix this up it was just easy

Hard-boiled egg
1/2 banana
salad with shredded lettuce and dried fruit, oil and balsamic dressing

Chicken breasts stuffed with sundried tomatoes and artichoke hearts

Drizzle oil or coconut oil over breasts and season with pepper and garlic powder
slice breast lengthwise and stuff with sundried tomatoes and artichoke hearts
(be careful when using cans, these contain many sulfates and canola oil, be sure to read the label).

Bake in oven at 350 for one hour

We shall see how this turns out.


Sunday is the day of rest :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 4

Well I was dissapointed with the cleanse results, ( I had hoped to lose at least the 2 holiday lbs I had gained) but I have to remember the overall goal, which is to be fit and healthy, not a certain weight or size.  This takes time.

I have a confession,  I have found the necessity to cheat a tiny bit once a day.  Let me explain.  I need coffee. LOL. I can't drink coffee without cream of some sort.  So I am allowing myself ONE cup of coffee with 2 creamers.  That is it.  I know it is a minor fail, but if I want to stay on track at all I have to allow myself this.

So for today:

Scrambled egg whites in clarified butter equivalent of 3 eggs
4 slices Turkey Bacon
1 cup of coffee with 2 creamers

Sorry day got a little hectic
finished off the turkey bacon (3 slices) and had carrots

Nitrate free turkey dogs wrapped in green leaf lettuce


Today for workout Blake and I will be cleaning the house, packing up the Christmas Decorations, grocery shopping and I think we will also take a walk down and all around the park.

10 Squats
10 extended situps
10 release pushups

I will post Lunch and Dinner later on tonight.

Push through the frustration, today is a new day, tomorrow will be another.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 3

I have my meal plans ready and my shopping list in hand for tomorrow's big grocery shopping trip.  Some staples of course, eggs, bacon, lots of chicken, turkey meat and pork (I don't eat red meat).  Also buying lots of veggies and fruit.  Be careful with produce, I try to buy only for the week so that it doesn't go bad. 

Take a look at this grocery list, it helps me to not only plan my meals but to also make my grocery lists.  After I shop I hang on my pantry door so that I have a plan on what to cook, which makes me less likely to cheat.
This blog is fantastic for organization in general.

Please look at yesterday's meal plan for the plan for today.

I am giving my body a little rest till tomorrow. It had been a long time since my last workout so I may have hit it a little too hard. Tomorrow I will ease back in :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 2

Hi There friends!

Well I am feeling good after day one of the cleanse, but unfortunately my little monster decided that I was not allowed to work out last night...sooooo.....same plan for today, eating and WOD.  I will be completing my workout BEFORE heading downstairs to get the munchkin.  You'd think I was smart enough to plan that out yesterday, but sleep deprivation does a lot to mess with your logic.

The people responsible for getting us into Paleo in the first place have decided to join the challenge :). They have a fantastic blog as well so please feel free to use as a resource.  Christina is an amazing and creative cook so I am sure the recipes will be great!

Green Clean Shake
1 Banana
1 Apple (Peel and all)
1 Orange (Peeled
1 Healthy handful of Spinach
1 Handful of ice

Blend Yesterday the shake was more like a paste so I added a cup of water this morning and it was fantastic, better than Naked!

Green Clean Shake

1 Hard boiled egg

Animal Protien
Tonight will be Turkey Meatballs

Yogi Detox Tea

Warm up:


Indoor Run

2x5 Wall Climb

2x10 Hand Release Push-ups, 3 count hold at top


21-15-9 (these are the reps and rounds ex. you will do 21 each first round, 15 second round, 9 third round)

Hand Stand Push-ups

Chair or box Dips

This WOD modified from

Links for exercises:

Please check out Paleocave for some real knowledge!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Today is the day!!! Are you all ready? I sent my unhealthy eating out with a bang, fondue, wine, and wings with some great friends.  I woke up today excited to start my cleanse! As promised here are my current stats, I do not have a specific weight loss goal in mind, I just want to make sure to get through the challenge without unrealistic expectations.

Weight: 130.8
Waist: 28"
Hips: 36"
Chest: 33.5"
Thighs: 20.25"
Arms: 11"

For the next 3 days I will my diet will look like this:

Green Clean Shake
1 Banana
1 Apple (Peel and all)
1 Orange (Peeled
1 Healthy handful of Spinach
1 Handful of ice


Green Clean Shake

1 Hard boiled egg

Animal Protien
Tonight will be pork roast and Carrots

Yogi Detox Tea

I'm going to avoid the gym for the next week and do my WOD's (Workout of the day) at home. 


Warm up:

Indoor Run
2x5 Wall Climb
2x10 Hand Release Push-ups, 3 count hold at top

21-15-9 (these are the reps and rounds ex. you will do 21 each first round, 15 second round, 9 third round)

Hand Stand Push-ups
Chair or box  Dips
Links for exercises:
Please post your meal plan and Workout if you want to join the challenge.
2013 is going to be AWESOME!!