Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day's 3 and 4

Well this is technically being written on Day 4 so I will combine both days into one post for the convenience of my one follower. 

Breakfast:  Fruit bowl of banana's, blueberries, strawberries, and pear. coffee
Snack: Cashews
Lunch: Salad with hard boiled egg and fresh blueberries and organic balsamic vinaigrette.
Dinner:  So Eric had bogarted my stuffed sweet potato plan for tuesday and made smoked chicken breast and mixed veggies, it was delish, just some seasoned chicken breasts in the smoker for an hour...yum.

Tonight we went to a happy hour birthday for a friend....let me tell you, Mexican food is Paleo TORTURE.  There was nothing on the menu that I could eat so I had to ask for a plain breast of chicken, which of course came out crusted in seasoning.  Oh well, I got more than my alloted salt intake.

Water Consumption:

15 situps
10 crunches
10 s. Plank
15 tricep dips
rested legs because I could barely walk today.

Phew after a full nights sleep you would think I would be far more rested, but I am one tired momma.

Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs....well technically 2 and a half since Blake kept picking at my plate.
Snack:  Cut up Grapple, if you haven't had one, go buy one now.....go on go.
Lunch: peas and green beans (hey I was running late this morning.
Dinner: Finally stuffed sweet yummy can't wait to have it for lunch tomorrow.

Water intake:
I suck 75/123

20 situps
15 crunches
15 s. Plank
55 squats
10 pushups

Here's to Friday!!!

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