Sunday, July 21, 2013

Days 5 and 6

It is far to hard to get onto the computer everyday with a toddler lol.  It has been quite a few days.  Work has been busy, the monster has been busy, and after 3 years in Colorado, I am finally attempting a social life.

Here is day's 5 and 6

Day 5:

Breakfast : Fruit bowl: strawberries, bananas, grapes and blueberries.
Lunch: Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
Snack: Cashews and Raisins
Dinner:  Grilled Pork Chops, Carrots and Peas:

Take medium thick pork chops and season using as little salt as possible (none for us)
Grill on low for 5 mins and flip, continue until meat is white and you have nice grill marks.
I use frozen veggies because I am a Paleo Mommy on a budget, but you can use whatever veggies you'd like


WOD: 30 Situps, 25 leg lifts, 15 crunches, 15 s plank, 60 squats, 6 full (no girlie) pushups

Day 6:

Breakfast: 4 strips of bacon
Lunch: stuffed sweet potato
snack: Grapes
Dinner: Paleo Speghetti

Take a speghetti squash and roast at 350 for 2 hours (that is why this is a weekend meal)
Take out squash and allow to cool. cut in half lengthwise and spoon out seeds and the mush part of the meat.  Take a fork and rake out the rest of the meat (it will have the consistency of pasta).  Place aside until ready to heat and eat.

Pan fry 1 lb turkey meat, once brown, add in 1 can tomato sauce and 1 can tomato paste.  Season with garlic if necessary.

serve as you would speghetti

Water: 123/123
WOD: we walked, a lot but it was a rest day for challenges.

progress check tomorrow.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day's 3 and 4

Well this is technically being written on Day 4 so I will combine both days into one post for the convenience of my one follower. 

Breakfast:  Fruit bowl of banana's, blueberries, strawberries, and pear. coffee
Snack: Cashews
Lunch: Salad with hard boiled egg and fresh blueberries and organic balsamic vinaigrette.
Dinner:  So Eric had bogarted my stuffed sweet potato plan for tuesday and made smoked chicken breast and mixed veggies, it was delish, just some seasoned chicken breasts in the smoker for an hour...yum.

Tonight we went to a happy hour birthday for a friend....let me tell you, Mexican food is Paleo TORTURE.  There was nothing on the menu that I could eat so I had to ask for a plain breast of chicken, which of course came out crusted in seasoning.  Oh well, I got more than my alloted salt intake.

Water Consumption:

15 situps
10 crunches
10 s. Plank
15 tricep dips
rested legs because I could barely walk today.

Phew after a full nights sleep you would think I would be far more rested, but I am one tired momma.

Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs....well technically 2 and a half since Blake kept picking at my plate.
Snack:  Cut up Grapple, if you haven't had one, go buy one now.....go on go.
Lunch: peas and green beans (hey I was running late this morning.
Dinner: Finally stuffed sweet yummy can't wait to have it for lunch tomorrow.

Water intake:
I suck 75/123

20 situps
15 crunches
15 s. Plank
55 squats
10 pushups

Here's to Friday!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 2

Well.....we are registered!!! We lagged a little so our time slot is 5pm, but at least it will be cooler at that time.  Here's to becoming Rocky Mountain Warrior Mom's!!!

Ok, straight to the good stuff:

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs cooked in bacon fat
Snack: 3 handfuls of cashews
Lunch: Salad with the rest of the rotisserie chicken, hard boiled egg and Organic Balsalmic Dressing.
Dinner: Turkey Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

3 Large Sweet Potatoes
1 lb Turkey Meat
1 Onion or 1 tsp Onion powder
1 Tsp garlic powder
2 Tbl coconut milk.

Bake sweet potatoes the night before, half and spoon out cold insides

Heat a pan with bacon grease or coconut oil,  sauté turkey meat until brown, add in onions or onion powder and garlic.  Once fully cooked add in the inside of the sweet potato.  Remove from heat.  Add in coconut milk until mixed.  Spoon back into the sweet potato casing.


Water intake: 128/128
15 Situps
5 Crunches
10 s. plank
50 squats
5 regular pushups

Here's to day 2! and I am off to WOD and study SureServe!

7/15/2013 Day 1

I tell you what, there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything that I want accomplished.  I missed the first day of my WOD challenges, but I did get measurements taken, and I was good on the diet aspect.

My friend Mel is going at this whole heartedly with me as well.  We are doing this to lead up to the Warrior Dash on August 17th.  Should be awesome, because who doesn't want to run through fire, and crawl under barbed wire!!

Ok here goes:

Waist: 29 inches
Hips: 37 1/2 inches
Thigh: 21 inches
Arms: 11 inches
Chest: 32 inches
and the biggie..........
Weight: 133 lbs.

That is a ten lb gain from when I ended my last Paleo challenge 6 months ago.   The good news is that I fluctuate back down to 129 on any given day, which means of course that I am not staying hydrated enough. As a result....gallon a day water challenge. 

Meal Plan:

Breakfast: Fruit bowl of pear, grapes and bananas
Lunch: Salad with rotisserie chicken and hard boiled egg.  Organic Balsalmic dressing
Dinner: Pork Roast and Roasted Carrots
I was extremely tired last night and did not cook, so this was a left over that my Aunt made.  It was not 100% Paleo since it had some sort of cream based sauce in it, so first day was not ideal.

Water intake:

Homework was running very behind last night, so my WOD did not get completed.  That just means Challenges start tomorrow.

Phew, here hoping Day 2 goes smoother.

I Know I Know

Sometimes the best intentions can go by the wayside when time is the ultimate factor.  Especially when that time is taken up by a 22 month old monster!

So I promised a meal plan and shopping list.  So here goes.  Keep in mind that I only plan out dinners, lunches are usually left overs from the nights before, or a salad.  Breakfasts you can assume that I have fresh fruit or scrambled eggs and bacon, unless I post another recipe.

I will post recipes on the day that I actually consume the meal, they will be posted underneath my food log:

Grocery List:

Organic tomato sauce (check for ingredients on the can)
Ground Turkey meat x5
Chicken Sausage, nitrate free
Sweet Potatoes x 4 (you may want to buy more if you want to use for breakfast or lunch
Onions x2
Chicken, I use bagged frozen, not the best, but I am a mom on a budget
Nuts (for snacking, cashews or almonds)
Pork Roast
Ginger (ground or fresh)
Coconut flakes
Unsalted Butter (no Margarine of any kind, even if healthy is in the title!)
Bacon x2 (at least 2)
Spinach x 2 (I put this in smoothies for breakfast, otherwise you only need 1)
Raisins (no sugar added, to add to nuts for snacks)
Eggs (lots of eggs)
Dried herbs of choice (basil, thyme, and oregano are my favorite)
Bananas (freeze and blend with coconut milk as ice cream)
Frozen Fruit (Smoothies)
Coconut Milk
Any other veggies that you may want to snack on, I buy these frozen and canned as well, just make sure to check the ingredients for added salt and other preservatives.

Now for the dinner meals:
7/16- Turkey Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
7/17- Herb Baked Chicken/ mixed veggies
7/18- Turkey Meatballs/ salad
7/19- Pork Chops/ mixed veggies
7/20- Paleo Sheppards Pie
7/21- Paleo Speghetti
7/22- Hawaiian Crock Pot Chicken
7/23- Turkey Meatloaf /sweet potato mash
7/24- Coconut Tillapia/ mixed veggies
7/25- Pulled pork/ sweet potato chips
7/26- Chicken Bacon Spinach Salad
7/27- BBQ Chicken/ veggies
7/28- "taco's"

Alrighty there you have it.  The 29th-Aug. 15th will be on a separate shopping list.  I will post the first day with measurements here shortly!

Paleo on my friends.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

It's About That Time to Make Some Momma's Warriors!!!

It has been quite awhile my friends, but it is time for another challenge, and not only will I be doing a challenge, but this time I am also accountable and responsible for the success of another amazing Rocky Mountain Mom.  I will be mentoring her through the Paleo ways and I couldn't be more excited about it.  This challenge will lead up to our Warrior Dash obstacle run on August 17th.

So this is the preliminary post, but tomorrow starts the real fun.  I will list our 14 day meal plan, shopping list and my measurements.  Remember that last Paleo challenge I went from 137 lbs to 123 lbs.  I have gained a few back, sadly, but I am starting this Paleo challenge at 132 so lets see how I do.
In conjunction with the Paleo food challenge, I will also be starting over on an  AB challenge, push up challenge, and a squat challenge.  I will post those workouts with the daily meal plans.  So lets get this show on the road.  I will see you all tomorrow for the initial weigh in, shopping list and meal plan!