Thursday, December 27, 2012

Getting ready!!!
thought I would post a list of foods to avoid according to for those of you new to Paleo.
Also I am including a couple of links to sites that will get you started on recipe's and meal ideas.

1. Legumes – All kinds of beans such as black beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, mung beans, string beans and lima beans have to be eliminated. Black-eyed peas, chickpeas, lentils, snow peas, sugar snap peas, peanuts, soybeans and soybean products are also excluded.
2. Dairy products – All kinds of dairy foods like butter, cheese, cream, yogurt, ice cream, low-fat milk, skim milk, whole milk, dairy creamer, and all processed foods that contain dairy must be avoided.
3. Cereals or grains – All forms of cereal grains such as barley, corn, millet, oats, rice, rye, sorghum, wheat, wild rice, and all foods made of cereal products are to be avoided.
4. Grain-like seeds – Amaranth, buckwheat and quinoa are excluded in Paleolithic diet recipes.
7. Factory farmed meats – Certain parts of conventionally raised chicken and turkey (skin, legs, wings and thighs), fatty beef roasts and ribs, fatty pork chops, ribs and roasts, lamb chops, leg and roasts, pork sausage, and T-bone steak are to be avoided in the Paleo diet plan. The fats on animals who were fed pesticide-laden grains aren’t favorable. Opt for grass-fed, pasture-raised animal products.
8. Soft drinks and fruit juices – All types of sugary soft drinks and all types of fruit juices canned, bottled and even freshly squeezed fruit juices (lack the fiber) are not allowed.
9. Sweets – Sugar is excluded. Raw honey and coconut sap are acceptable sometimes.
The Paleolithic diet is based on food choices of more than 2 million years ago, when man became highly evolved species. The Paleolithic people are believed to have lived very long lives. They were lean and active, and didn’t suffer from lifestyle diseases. Man’s evolution was a result of natural process of selection, and man’s food choices substantially contributed to that phenomenon. Thus, even during the time of computers and the Internet, many are practicing a Paleo diet for a longer, healthier life.


On Jan 1st I will post my beginning measurements and gulp.....weight.  I will post again on the 16th and then finally on the 31st.  If you are participating as well, which I do hope someone will, please post your stats as well on that day so we can share our successess together.

Lets get ready to get healthy!

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