Friday, December 21, 2012

For those of you who plan to participate in at home or at personal gym WOD's but are new to the crossfit lingo, I thought that I would give you a list of common crossfit terms and acronyms.  It took me a few times, asking my crossfit instructor what an amrap was before I actually understood the term. I don't want anyone to get discouraged because they do not know what a crossfit term means.  We are not creating a secret society with our own code, we are adopting a healthy lifestyle that should be easy for everyone to do.

Accronyms and Abbreviations:

  • AMRAP: As Many Reps (sometimes Rounds) as Possible
  • ATG: Ass to Grass
  • Box: the term which refers to a CrossFit gym
  • BP: Bench press
  • BS: Back squat
  • BW (or BWT): Body weight
  • CFJ: The CrossFit Journal
  • CFT: CrossFit Total – consisting of max squat, press, and deadlift.
  • CFSB: CrossFit Strength Bias. A program developed by Jeff Martin and Darrell White, explained here. You’ll need a CFJ subscription.
  • CFWU: CrossFit Warm-up
  • CLN: Clean
  • C&J: Clean and jerk
  • C2: Concept II rowing machine
  • DHP: Dead hang pull
  • DL: Deadlift
  • EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute
  • FS: Front squat
  • GHR(D): Glute ham raise (developer). Posterior chain exercise, like a back extension. Also, the device that allows for the proper performance of a GHR.
  • GHR(D) Situp: Situp done on the GHR(D) bench.
  • Global (Globo) Gym: the world-wide accepted norm for what a gym is i.e. 24 Hour Fitness, Fitness World, YMCA, etc
  • GPP: General physical preparedness, aka “fitness.”
  • GTG: Grease the Groove, a protocol of doing many sub-maximal sets of an exercise throughtout the day
  • H2H: Hand to hand; refers to Jeff Martone’s kettlebell “juggling” techniques (or to combat).
  • HSPU: Hand stand push up. Kick up into a handstand (use wall for balance, if needed) bend arms until nose touches floor and push back up.
  • HSQ: Hang squat (clean or snatch). Start with bar “at the hang,” about knee height. Initiate pull. As the bar rises drop into a full squat and catch the bar in the racked position. From there, rise to a standing position
  • IF: Intermittent Fasting
  • KB: Kettlebell
  • MEBB: Maximum Effort Black box, term coined by Mike Rutherford. Search the forum for it. Originally laid out in one of the early Performance Menu issues.
  • KTE: Knees to elbows. Similar to TTBs described below.
  • MetCon: Metabolic Conditioning workout
  • MP: Military press
  • MU: Muscle ups. Hanging from rings you do a combination pull-up and dip so you end in an upright support.
  • OHS: Overhead squat. Full-depth squat performed while arms are locked out in a wide grip press position above (and usually behind) the head.
  • PC: Power clean
  • Pd: Pood, weight measure for kettlebells
  • PR: Personal record
  • PP: Push press
  • PSN: Power snatch
  • PU: Pull-ups, possibly push ups depending on the context
  • Rep: Repetition. One performance of an exercise.
  • Rx’d; as Rx’d: As prescribed; as written. WOD done without any adjustments.
  • RM: Repetition maximum. Your 1RM is your max lift for one rep. Your 10 RM is the most you can lift 10 times.
  • SDHP: Sumo deadlift high pull
  • Set: A number of repetitions. e.g., 3 sets of 10 reps, often seen as 3×10, means do 10 reps, rest, repeat, rest, repeat.
  • SPP: Specific physical preparednesss, aka skill training.
  • SN: Snatch
  • SQ: Squat
  • SS: Starting Strength; Mark Rippetoe’s great book on strength training basics. Available right here.
  • Subbed: Substituted. The CORRECT use of “subbed,” as in “substituted,” is, “I subbed an exercise I can do for one I can’t,” For example,if you can’t do HSPU, you subbed regular pushups.
  • TGU: Turkish get-up (See exercise section)
  • WO, sometimes W/O: Workout
  • WOD: Workout of the day
This list seems daunting and you will not use all of them, so don't fret.  In a couple days I will post the other list of vocabulary used in crossfit, the exercises.  This list will include video links so that you have a demonstration of what I am talking about.

Get ready!!! This is going to be a ride!

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